Hi everyone, and a Happy Easter to you 🐣
I have made a few tweaks to the Zoom Express programme - the timetable from 05th April 2021 is as follows: (see bold italics for changes)
09.30am Pilates
10.15am Below the Belt
11.00am All about Arms
5.30pm Box:It
09.30am ABC
2.15pm Senior Circuits
3.00pm Stretch & Relax
6.30pm Pilates
09.30am Mini Ball Pilates
10.15am Below the Belt
12.30pm Pump
5.30pm Combat
12.45pm Box:It
1.30pm Mindful Mix
5.30pm Complete Core
6.30pm Mini Ball Pilates
09.30am Pilates
10.15am All about Arms
1.15pm ABC
2.15pm Senior Conditioning
3.00pm Pilates Stretch
5.00pm Pump
11.00am Pilates
The programme will be revised on the 17th May - your feedback and suggestions are welcome.
Watch out for new social media topics 👀
#MondayMusings - a new interactive post just for fun - join in and post your answers!
#WalkandWin - share your ‘weekly wins’ to be in with a chance to win a FREE class of choice
#FridayFact - this will be completely random so prepare yourself to find out some useful (or useless!) information about quite possibly anything!
#SundayStretchOut - focusing on one stretch per week, this post will offer you benefits and progressions/modifications to get the most out of your stretching.
Here’s a snapshot of the upcoming events - more details can be found under the events tab in the Red Ox Facebook group.
Saturday 17th April
* Pop Up Aesthetics Clinic
Saturday 12th June
* Nature v Nurture Camp
Sunday 04th July
* Champagne Coach to Chapel Down Vineyard
Saturday 21st August
* Magnificent 7 - the LIVE Roadshow
Friday 01st October
* Festival of the Dead Halloween Party
Please let me know if you have any questions about any of these events - I hope to see you there!
Finally, now that the evenings are lighter and the weather more conducive (I hope), if you would like to exercise outdoors at Pickhurst Park then we would love to welcome you to BootCamp on the Grid - PowerWorkout and Pilates in the Park will resume very soon ..
mall details can be found on The Sky’s the Limit site via the Wix app.
Have a great weekend, enjoy your hot cross buns 🐣
Tracey x